Our fundamentals
  • Health & Safety
  • Ethics & Compliance
  • Human Rights

We lead our business by example. Whether we are dealing with health and safety, quality, ethics and compliance, or our commited supply chain, all Bouygues Bâtiment International employees refer to a common reference guide. This fundamental approach is at the heart of our corporate culture. This guide defines the way we communicate and interact with our colleagues, customers, suppliers and subcontractors.

Health & Safety

The health and safety of our teams, partners, and stakeholders, in all places and under all circumstances, is our absolute priority. Our unwavering commitment to health and safety is centred around five levers which guarantee the safety of our sites and facilities: controlling major risks, deploying, and maintaining a safety culture, preserving the health of our employees & partners, integrating security in our prevention approach, and carrying out control and audit missions.

We drive a safety leadership approach which encourages constructive safety interventions. It empowers all members of staff to stop working when faced with an unsafe act by targeting the act, encouraging risk awareness, and implementing corrective measures and behaviours in the future. Our overall objective is to provide a safe workplace both on-site and in offices to ensure everyone goes home at the end of the day. In other words, safety always comes first. OUR TARGET IS ZERO SEVERE ACCIDENTS.


Ethics & Compliance

Ethics and Compliance have been a priority for Bouygues Construction for over thirty years. They contribute to the trust we inspire in our customers, employees, investors and shareholders, and our community of partners. This trust is underpinned by our code of conduct, adopted in 2006, and applied throughout the company to the very highest level and wherever we work. The Group’s Code of Ethics calls upon every employee to respect a set of professional ethics that must guide their behaviour in all circumstances and in every country. Because sharing our rules with our business partners is essential to the success of our Ethics & Compliance approach; awareness-raising, training and the commitment of our employees are vital.

Within Bouygues Construction Group, the Code of Ethics is supplemented for employees throughout the world by a practical ethics and compliance guide and five compliance programs: the Competition Compliance Program, the Anti-corruption Code of Conduct, the Embargoes and Export Restrictions Compliance Program, the Conflicts of Interest Compliance Program and the Financial Information and Securities Trading Compliance Program. These are updated and improved on a regular basis to take into account best practices. We encourage our business partners to adopt, if they have not already done so, and implement within their organization, a code of conduct to prevent, detect, investigate and remedy sanctionable practices such as corruption, collusive practices, fraudulent practices, and coercive practices. Read the letter from Pierre-Eric Saint André, CEO of Bouygues Bâtiment International. We invite anyone to report (anonymously or otherwise) any ethical matter or behaviour involving us, including a violation of the law, our Code of Ethics, our CSR Charter, or any prohibited practice whether that be harassment, discrimination, corruption, financial crime, or breaches to health & safety on our whistleblowing platform.

Human Rights

As a leading international player in the construction industry, we have the responsibility of guaranteeing fundamental human rights to our suppliers and subcontractors. Our commitment to human rights is built upon two key priorities:

  • Ensuring that fundamental human rights are respected in our supply chain.
  • Guaranteeing that worker accommodation around the world conforms to our standards.


To uphold these principles, our procurement departments receive regular training to raise awareness of responsible purchasing. We ensure that each of our buyers is individually committed to carefully selecting suppliers by appropriately screening supply chain partners to confirm that fundamental human rights are respected. The CSR performance of our key suppliers is measured and monitored via online self-evaluations, and we also partner with SGS to carry out regular social audits amongst suppliers and subcontractors that have been identified as high risk. These audits evaluate their compliance against twelve criteria.

When it comes to our supply chain, we work hand in hand with suppliers and subcontractors to establish long-term sustainable partnerships underscored by our values and fundamentals. This means doing business with the highest levels of integrity and transparency to ensure safe and fair conditions for all. Finally, we invite anyone to report (anonymously or otherwise) any ethical matter or behaviour involving us, including a violation of the law, our Code of Ethics, our CSR Charter, or any prohibited practice whether that be harassment, discrimination, corruption, financial crime, or breaches to health & safety on our whistleblowing platform.


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