Ethics and Compliance have been a priority for Bouygues Construction for over thirty years. They contribute to the trust we inspire in our customers, employees, investors and shareholders, and our community of partners. This trust is underpinned by our code of conduct, adopted in 2006, and applied throughout the company to the very highest level and wherever we work. The Group’s Code of Ethics calls upon every employee to respect a set of professional ethics that must guide their behaviour in all circumstances and in every country. Because sharing our rules with our business partners is essential to the success of our Ethics & Compliance approach; awareness-raising, training and the commitment of our employees are vital.
Within Bouygues Construction Group, the Code of Ethics is supplemented for employees throughout the world by a practical ethics and compliance guide and five compliance programs: the Competition Compliance Program, the Anti-corruption Code of Conduct, the Embargoes and Export Restrictions Compliance Program, the Conflicts of Interest Compliance Program and the Financial Information and Securities Trading Compliance Program. These are updated and improved on a regular basis to take into account best practices. We encourage our business partners to adopt, if they have not already done so, and implement within their organization, a code of conduct to prevent, detect, investigate and remedy sanctionable practices such as corruption, collusive practices, fraudulent practices, and coercive practices. Read the letter from Pierre-Eric Saint André, CEO of Bouygues Bâtiment International. We invite anyone to report (anonymously or otherwise) any ethical matter or behaviour involving us, including a violation of the law, our Code of Ethics, our CSR Charter, or any prohibited practice whether that be harassment, discrimination, corruption, financial crime, or breaches to health & safety on our whistleblowing platform.