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Within the framework of a public-private sector partnership, Bouygues Construction is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of the New Paris Law Court complex in Paris. Designed by Renzo Piano, the high-rise building (standing 160 m tall) brings all of the services for the Paris Court of First Instance, public prosecution service, police court and district courts under the same roof. And thanks to its 90 courtrooms, it is capable of holding 8,000 people every day.
The project was born from a desire to remedy the inadequate physical conditions in which justice is served in Paris on Île de la Cité, in prestigious locations but limited spaces, which are not very functional and sometimes dilapidated.
The law courts complex is divided into three main areas: within the base is a court; adjoined to this, the bastion hosts detention spaces and three administrative and legal spaces are located in the tower. The complex received the 2017 Equerre d’argent architectural award.
The Paris law courts complex is a high energy performance building in line with the city’s climate plan: 25% renewable energy through photovoltaic panels, 25% of rainwater recovered and an energy consumption of 50 kWh/m²/year, in other words 25% less than regulatory requirements. The Paris law courts complex is thus setting a new benchmark for energy consumption in a very tall building.
Certified HQE (High Quality Environmental standard) and labelled BBC (low-energy building certification), its electrical consumption is two times lower than that of the most recent office towers built in the La Defense district.
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